Delivery time: 2-4 working days
Basic price: € 3.66 per 10ml
Basic price: € 3.66 per 10ml
Longer maintenance intervals through the correct care of the suspension fork, damper and dropper post.
- Wet Seal has a pipette with which you can breathe new life into your suspension fork, damper and dropper post.
- A few drops noticeably reduce the friction!
- Just like oiling the chain, it is important to maintain your suspension components or dropper post. Using Wet Seal will keep your seals lubricated and protect them from dirt and debris. Good care will extend the life of your seal and suspension.
- Wet Seal was developed with the help of "The Suspension Experts" in Asheville, NC, USA and can easily be used with any fork, damper or dropper post.
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